"Когда бегущая вода встречает на своем пути преграду, она останавливается, увеличивает свой объем и силу и потом переливается через нее. Следуйте примеру воды: остановитесь и увеличьте свою силу до тех пор, пока препятствие не перестанет мешать вам на вашем пути". И-цзин

Сообщения с тегами: people

Just different: are you ready?

You believe that China can only copy western stylish clothes and sell replicas? No! Chinese new hysterical trend impresses more than the last LV collection, isn't it? A round of applouses - this challenge sticks to our memory better then Mao's quotations! Let's have a look.

Beijing’s Supermarket of Love

Some weeks ago western newspapers published several materials with reference to Chinese mass-media stating that 24 millions Chinese men may never be able to marry because of a lack of women in the country to 2020.

Made for China

There is a widespread delusion that China is a good place for shopping. Actually if you are looking for Chinese no name stuff or replicas of premium brands, you can find all these in China. But if you plan to buy original Gucci here cheaper, or to go shopping to places like Mango or Zara, be ready for some unpleasant surprises:

Puma conceals its face

When Starbucks opened its coffee net in Saudi Arabia, the company was forced to adapt halls to the local traditions in spite of the general company's strategy: to separate man and women. Puma in China adapted models….