"Знаний не достаточно, ты должен применять их. Желания не достаточно, ты должен делать". Брюс Ли

Beijing’s Supermarket of Love

Some weeks ago western newspapers published several materials with reference to Chinese mass-media stating that 24 millions Chinese men may never be able to marry because of a lack of women in the country to 2020.

Chinese entrepreneurs found a solution to this problem. They started a new project in November 2009 and named it — Supermarket of Love officially known as the “I’m Looking for You”. The scheme is quiet simple: interested parties go to the office of this company (www.95195.com), pay a 20 yuan (3 USD) registration fee after which they list (with manager’s help) their private information that includes name, age, income, occupation, and what they’re seeking in a potential partner.

Then managers create a special unique card that includes photo, name, age, occupation and Internet ID number so every potential “shopper” can contact the person directly. The company posts this card in the Internet and on a stand in the hall so every bachelor/ bachelorettes seeking a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship can come/surf and see.

It’s necessary to mention that Chinese are really anxious how to find a good partner. They are highly interested in marriage agents services (cost 40$), dating sites, blind dates. I hope a new “supermarket” will be very popular so you can go to Beijing, visit it, “buy” or just have window-shopping.

Sometimes be Panda!